Forest friendly cacao from Sierra Leone
Cacao is our livelihood
Ngoleagarbu Cacao Farmers Union (NGOOCFU) is located around Gola Rainforest in Eastern Sierra Leone, extending into Liberia. We value our forest and therefore protect it from illegal logging by providing livelihoods to the forest edge communities.

Latest News

Training on Quality (GRC)
GRC's Aminata Berewa spoke on quality of cacao beans, while NGOCFU farmers enjoyed their beans converted to 75% chocolate, made in the chocolate lab.

Training on International Marketing (Amigos International/CBI) 15-04-22
Jeroen Kruft taught cooperatives how to become exporters with practical tips on marketing, communication, finance and quality improvement.

Training on Organic Compost (RockInSoils/CBI)
Rubén Borge gave workshops in Sierra Leone and Liberia on DIY liquid and solid organic fertilise manufacturing. Videos were made as well with local trainers replicating this master class.

Training on Governance
Mustapha L. Kanneh and GRC staff spoke to farmers in the Bumpeh village about governance structures, as they will become part of the Malema cooperative structure.